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Wonder is a "distributed application" that communicates over OSC. cwonder is the glue part that each of the other parts communicates with. The only thing the applications need to know is the address of cwonder which can be retrieved from the config file. The address can either be a dotted-decimal IP address or a hostname which than is converted to an IP address by the underlying osc library liblo. The project path is the standard path cwonder will store its projects. When you use the "/WONDER/project/*" commands to handle your project work cwonder will use this path to store and read the projects when no absolute path is specified. The maximum number of sources is an integer value which determines the maximum number of sources available in a project. Here is an example how a wonder config file looks like.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE wonderconfig PUBLIC "" "wonderconfig.dtd">

    <cwaddr host="" port="58100"/> 
        <defaults projectpath="/home/wfsuser/wonder/projects" maxsources="64" />

To read in the wonder config file from within your aplication you can use the SwonderConfig class which use is described in wonder_config.h. Or have a look at a usecase in gwonder or cwonder.

control cwonder

These are commands for debugging use. A source may change its position quite often that is why these events are not logged by cwonder by default. In some cases you may want to check if cwonder is receiving messages already. You can toggle logging of these messages (inclede are type and angle as well) on or off with the following command "/CWONDER/enable/posout". To debug the timing information you receive by jfwonder you can toggle the logging of this informmation by the following command "/CWONDER/enable/timerout". Do not forget to turn these commmands off again when not in use anymore since they may result in bad performance.

start cwonder from the command line

Usually cwonder is started from a systemd service. To see the command line options for cwonder start cwonder with the -h option.

cwonder -h

If you start cwonder without any options the default settings are used. They are set in cwonder_globalconfig.cpp.