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Command Parameters content > ... ... ... ...
/source/activate i id
/source/deactivate i id
/source/position i f f id x coordinate [ meters ] y coordinate [ meters ]
/source/angle i f id angle [ degrees ]
/source/type i i id type [ 0=plane, 1=point ]
/source/name i s id name
/source/color i i i i id red [ 0;255 ] green [ 0;255 ] blue [ 0; 255 ]
/source/groupId i i id groupId
/source/rotationDirection i i id inverted [ 0=false, 1=true]
/source/scalingDirection i i id inverted [ 0=false, 1=true]
/score/source/enableRecord i i id 0 = off, 1 = on
/score/source/enableRead i i id 0 = off, 1 = on
/source/dopplerEffect i i id on [ 0 = false, 1 = true ]
/group/activate i groupId
/group/deactivate i groupId
/group/position i f f groupId x coordinate [ meters ] y coordinate [ meters ]
/group/color i i i i groupId red [ 0;255 ] green [ 0;255 ] blue [ 0; 255 ]
/mtctime i i i i hour minute second millisecond
/score/stop none
/score/play none
/score/enableRecord i 0 = off, 1 = on
/score/enableRead i 0 = off, 1 = on
/score/enableMMC i 0 = off, 1 = on
/score/status NULL ( i ) scoreplayerPlayMode scoreplayerRecordMode scoreplayerReadMode sourceRecordMode sourceReadMode
/global/maxNoSources i number of sources
/global/renderpolygon s i (f f f) roomname number of vertices V.1 x coord. [ meters ] V.1 y coord. [ meters ] V.1 z coord. [ meters ]
/project/xmlDump i s errorflag ( 1 = error ) project in xml (see dtd)
/stream/visual/ping i pingcount
/reply s i s reply to message state message